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Matteo Bertamini

Fullstack Developer


I like the idea of a developer as an artisan who loves and cares its product the most.
Pushed by that mindset, I constantly grow and cover different expertises.

With that in mind, this is what I currently have in my toolbox 🧑🏽‍💻:

Work Experience

2017 - Present
I'm part of a multidisciplinary team that aims to fully digitalize the customer care experience, from solving technical issues remotely to support their visit in physical shops. Our work is visible on Vivo Brasil, Movistar (worldwide), O2 (worldwide) and Tuenti's apps.
  • Frontend: Typescript, React, Next.JS, Jest (and more!)
  • Backend: Kotlin and Node, PHP8 and Java8 on legacy
  • Kubernetes for our 52 environments 🤪
  • We work in CI/CD, depending on the environment/product
  • Clean architectures
  • DDD: evangelizing the adoption
  • Development of google Maps interfaces
2015 - 2017
Evolution of a legacy HW-SW platform to plan, analyse and monitoring energy and environmental data to cut energy-related costs in big and industrial buildings.
  • Legacy: evolution of an undocumented old back-frontend towards a long lasting, future-proof solution
    • Adoption of DDD
    • Progressive transition to Reactive architecture
    • BDD and Acceptance testing in order to cover old a new requisites
    • Evolution in scrum cycles with a tight collaboration with the stakeholders
  • Multi-lang multi-timezones challenging requisites that led to implement tailored solutions
  • Backend: PHP7, Symfony framework
  • Frontend: React
2014 - 2015
Evolution and maintenance of Tembo White, an independent e-commerce platform based on Prestashop.
  • Prestashop
  • React JS for frontend embedded widgets in products' pages
  • Continuous deployment


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Chat with me

Yep, a 1:1 live chat with me. Keep in mind it's experimental, but everything should be working good!


Matteo Bertamini 2022